#1 14-11-2013 10:52:12

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

My strategy against my acute tinnitus


Thread may be delevoping from time to time

I'm 35 and i had a bad year: sleep problems, problems with my back, panic/anxiety attacks (mainly because of lack of sleep i guess, multiple flu's. The last 3 month were better and i've thought i'm over it. Until two weeks ago. Two weeks ago i got  bad cold and other stress factors were a little bit higher than usual. Then 2 week ago it started suddenly.

Two weeks ago i've woken up at night, the first thing i've noticed was this high frequent pieping in my right ear. I was awake for the rest of the night. First i've searched for the source of the noise. But i had to realize it seems to be inside my head. The following days the noise was always there and is especially a problem at night. Surely i've surfed the internet about Tinnitus informations. It was hard to read that stuff...Within  few days the panic and anxiety level was rising pretty fast. On last sunday i had a nervous breakdown. I was in the woods but just couldn't think about anything other than this. I've just wanted this problem to go away NOW doesnt matter what that  would mean for me..

At the end of the day i was going to my sister and brother in law and they drove me to a Emercency Doctor. I was at the end mentally.. Sure, the doctor couldnt do anything about the noise but i he gave a list of psychologiest Telefon numbers in case of Emercency. Panic level was a litte bit lowered. From there i had two days to wait to see my regular doctor on Tuestday

Working through the process
So tuesday i was by my doctor he knows me quite well. And he told me that he has a long time experience of handling chronical tinnitus in the biggest Hospital in our area. That was good to hear. He did some tests (ear, back). I did insist that i need something that would help me NOW. Then he gave me "Temesta" for lowering the anxiety/pain level, some sleep inducing Antidepressiva (Surmontil) and some Cortison. He gave me the advice to always have noise around me (TV,Radio on etc.) also at night i should have radio on. I'm taking the meds for 2 days now. The panic/anxiety is now currently because of the meds on a very low level. Through the constant noise at my home i'm able to get some distance to the noise. Last nigth seemed to be a little better that the last 13 nights

Current strategy (Emergency Tasks):
- Taking off from job at least until 21 november (then i will also see the doctor the next time.)

- Taking the meds, but reducing the dosis of some of time over the timespan to next week.

- If i'm at home: always have a TV or Radio on. But not too loud. Also at night in my bedroom. I like the purring of my cats so i have an endlees audio loop of some cat purring video from youtube. Last night this worked better than to have some random sound on. I also tried with a small room fountain. But this didn't worked so good for me

- Looking for stress relief by going out for walks at least 1-2 times a day.
- Slow jogging every second day

- Reducing "soul level stress": i'm working activly to dissolve old conflicts, this conflicts which someone usually carrying around for years/decades. You know the relationship things with people. And thats not really a strength of me... I've started with that right on sunday evening/monday by talking to my older sister. It was for me like the nervous breakdown would talking to me in my head and saying "Two choices: 1) dissolve this decade old problems or 2) suffer with this"

Long Term Strategy

- Coming away from theses meds. But when i need some of them for some time (weeks,month) to support me an to stop the vicious circle. Im takin it.

- On evenings before going to bed for the next working days always going out for a litte walk (30 - 45 Minute); actually i'm doing this since 4-5 month, so i've started this before the TT

- Progressive muscle relaxation, when i've woke up and when i'm going to sleep, usually only at working days, also this i'm doing this since 4-5 month, so i've started this before the TT

- Go on with my hobbies like jogging,hiking, taking care about my cats

- Go on with the reducing of "Soul level stress". The most diffcult part.

- Writing a diary about how i feel etc. Very hard for me. In the past i was one of the guys saying "Writing diary? that's nothing what a man should do; a man eats his feelings,sorrows and hurtings and does not speak about them and just stays strong. Just like the broken heroes in the movies.

- Starting a therapy to figure out why i became so unstable and to lay all of my bio and inner world on the table. Also to learn how pressure and being a perfectonsist shaped me

I have the strong feeling that  this acute TT is a big warning sign for me and it tells me, if  i go on like  this in the future i will suffering the consequences or i'm able to change some ways.

Since this TT thing is too much of a big thread to me i will using everything i have against the underlying things which are triggering this noise.

I have a little bit of problems with my teeth now, They are hurting a bit. I quess i use them in sleep somehow. Rarely one problem which dont trigger another one....


Last edited by tomson (14-11-2013 11:08:58)



#2 18-11-2013 11:37:41

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

My teeth are still hurting.

I guess thanks to the meds i got 2 pretty good nights in the last 5 nights. But the last two nights again weren't that good. At night i'm having always some noise on. Usually an endless loop of a  "Cat purring" audio.  During the day i have currently less problems; always sound/tv etc. around me. Trying not to "search" the noise or to check if it's there. Also trying not to read to much about it. Trying to go on with my live. But it needs energy. A lot of energy. On thursday i have to work again; do not know how it will work. Fear and panic is a lower than a week ago. I guess the pills are doing their job regarding this issue. I've already began to reduce the amount of pills during the day. Next thursdays i will again see my doctor.

Yesterday i had a tough dream...someone/something has put something on my chest and i've dreamed i couldn't breath anymore, i've tried hard to wake up. Tells a lot such dreams.

Feel like i've totally lost control but there are also short flares of hope than coming up from time to time. Every day feels like a rollercoaster ride currently. Trying not to think too much about the future.



#3 19-11-2013 01:06:16

Registered: 27-12-2011
Posts: 52

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

Your teeth hurt? If that's the case we have something in common. I too have had sore teeth since this T started. I have had T now for over 2 years, along with the sore teeth. Dentist say there is nothing wrong, but they were wrong. I stayed the course and continued to search for the problem. My dental bridge, two things here. One is the metal in the bridge could be reacting with my body, second thing, is the placement of the bridge was to close to the bone in my upper jaw. I've been informed by the gum doctor the this in fact maybe the root cause of my troubles. If you don't think your ears are damaged then look at the mouth, neck, back and sinus unless you think you have something much more serious.




#4 19-11-2013 12:15:10

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

Hi Tony

Sorry my english isnt that good sometimes: Do you mean with "I have had T now for over 2 years..." that you have cured or at least eased your Tinnitus with the things you have done regarding your teeth?.

My teeth start hurting a few days after i first hear the noise. I've tought it could because i'm using them somehow at night because of my nerves. I can take the noise on the day; but i'm completely destroyed by it at nights; it seems to come predominatly at night when i'm lay myself down.

Unfortunatly i've also back/neck problems for the last 6 months.

I dont understand "Gum Doctor" what type of doctor is that?



#5 19-11-2013 21:10:33

Registered: 27-12-2011
Posts: 52

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

Hi, A gum doctor is a periodontist, he looks after the gums around your teeth. Yes I still have tinnitus or the feeling of it. I also have pain from the bridge that was installed on my upper left side of my mouth. This is the same side I have tinnitus on (left ear tinnitus). I too have back and neck problems. I did at first have a hard time trying to get to sleep at night. You will learn how to sleep with the noise in your head. Best thing is trying not to listen to it. Try playing a tv or radio at night until your body starts adjusting to the Tinnitus. Don't lose hope just take it one day at a time. Something has caused your T trying to discover what it is may take a long time. Like I said earlier I've been search for over 2 years for the cause. Even though doctors have told me to live with it I said NO! I'll find the cause of my T without the help of doctors.

Here is what I've discovered so far.

Migraines - Doctor said this is the cause. I didn't have them before don't have now. Doc was wrong.

Hearing - Ent say it was from hearing loss. They were wrong.

Sinus - I discovered I had sinus infections that wouldn't go away. 3 ENT's missed that one.

Dental - 3 months before my T started I had a 4 piece bridge installed on my upper left. I complained for months about pain in this area. The dentist's all said nothing was wrong. They stated it was my sinues causing the problem.

OK, so I had sinus surgery to correct the problem with the sinuses. When the sinues healed the pain in the month grew stronger. That's when I went to see the periodontist. What he found is call BIOLOGIC WIDTH. The brdige is to big for the tooth. It is pushing on the jaw bone and he states it could be causing all the pain and T I have.

In a few weeks we'll be working to correct the bridge. Time will tell if it has any effect on my T. If not so be it as long as the pain is gone.



#6 20-11-2013 09:09:03

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

What a journey you have already behind you. It sounds like you are a strong one.

Currently i feel totally destroyed, mainly because of the nights. I'm currently trying everything with different music at night. And it's only 2 1/2 weeks now since it started. The anxiety i can handle only with pills currently. So days are a little bit better but so tired and without energy. Tomorrow i had to go to work again. And i will see also my doc again.



#7 21-11-2013 02:00:27

Registered: 27-12-2011
Posts: 52

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

Oh, I had my moments where I thought it was the end of the world. Just started thinking that life isn't all that bad even with the noise. Just take a look around you. I'm sure there are people you know much worst off. Life is what you make of it. You can sit around all day thinking of your T or you can go about the things you use to do before the T.

Tinnitus wants to control your life so you must keep busy to throw it off. Try it. Do something that takes a lot of your brain power to do. You'll find you don't notice your T. I know its the quite times that T gets us. Best thing is take your mind off it. Pills do help at first so go see a doctor. You need to get a good sleep every night. The pills will help. Once you start sleeping normal again you can slowly drop the pills. Stay active, limit coffee, and booze. I did at first than went back to my old ways. Felt much better with the ringing ears with a beer in the hand. The ears were going to ring anyways so I might as well enjoy my beer. I do find pain killers work when T gets to loud. Don't know why but they work.

You're at the early stage of T. You might find days that are not nice. Don't give up do the things mentioned on this site to get you through the day. As the months go by things do get better. The ringing may not ever stop but you will learn to live with it. Try this, smile, laugh, chase the dog, do something that makes you happy. See your T was gone.

An old Doctor of mine said this. "One day at a time friend". I live by those words.

All the best and don't give up hope.



#8 21-11-2013 11:30:06

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

I'm still hoping that it will just disappear suddenly.

My noise is not that bad regarding daytime, there i can handle it. The main problem is really the sleep problem which triggers other problems. I've got today new meds because the old didnt work that good for sleep support.

Today is a little bit better. I got new hope because of the new meds also im basically a "pill skeptical". The last two days i was really thinking "this is it - my apocalypse".

One day at a time --- a lesson i have yet to learn

Last edited by tomson (21-11-2013 11:31:03)



#9 21-11-2013 12:30:32

Registered: 27-12-2011
Posts: 52

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

tomson wrote:

I'm still hoping that it will just disappear suddenly.

One day at a time --- a lesson i have yet to learn

The best advice I can give you is don't expect it to go away on its own. Tinnitus is all in your head, it won't hurt you unless you let it. Learn to live with it as soon as possible. Start today, when you wake up jump out of bed and start doing your normal day activites. The quicker you learn to do this the better you'll feel. Don't worry about tomorrow or you'll get stuck looking for a cure. I know I've been doing it for two years. There is no cure for Tinnitus. The best results are training yourself to move forward with your life. Believe me you will survive this. Treat any pain you have as pain triggers your tinnitus. Before you know it you'll be having fun again. When you have a bad day use a pain killer, they do work.

Make it through today, then tommorrow look back and say to yourself well I made it through yesturday, how bad can today be? Smile my freind life is great and your here to enjoy it.



#10 10-12-2013 16:08:37

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My strategy against my acute tinnitus

It's been a while...

It was a wild ride so far.

2 1/2 weeks ago i had some sort of nervous breakdown including anxiety/panic attacks.  It felt like there was no floor and i was falling and falling. I did go to the emergency site of a hospital. I didnt know what to expect there; i just needed some help. I've felt so low there at the ER station...as i sat there i would have changed with everyone  in there even i didnt know why the other patients were there.

They've brought me to a "psychological crisis intervention station" where i've stayed for more than two weeks. First few days there were pretty tough. After that it was getting better. I had a lot of different pills and i did talk a lot to a psychiatrist. They are thinking that all my pain symptoms (back/neck pain, Tinnitus etc.) are generated by my psychic.

I'm now at home again since yesterday, i can now better sleep with the pills they gave me. And the better i sleep the less i'm noticing the tinnitus. It's still there but it feels for me less dangerous since i'm getting more sleep.

I'm cautious because i know i'm not at the end of this road but i feel stronger again....and i did talk to other people in the crisis intervention center, and i had to realize that my problems are tiny compared to other struggling souls out there.

Good luck



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