#1 15-08-2013 12:11:35

Registered: 15-08-2013
Posts: 6

My tinnitus got better


This is my own personal journey with tinnitus and my own personal experience.  Everyone is different but I just wanted to share my experience and to try and give some hope. 

I have had a very stressful year with one thing after another happening, plus I got two colds and then a bad flu where I was bed ridden for a few days.  A week after I got over the flu my tinnitus started.  I've heard that tinnitus can be common after a bad flu and i'm not sure if it was the stressful year or the flu that caused my tinnitus. 

It started with a mild buzzing in my left ear at first, the first few days I refused to let it bother me, but then I went to a cabaret show which was very noisy, and my tinnitus appeared must worse that night and my stress and anxiety started.  The next three weeks I had a buzzing in my left ear and a ringing in my right ear all of which caused me extreme stress and anxiety, so anyone who is going through this, I know how terrifying it can be. 

My stress levels were so high at the start I would walk the floors at night and convinced I would never get better and not sure how I would cope.  I realised I wouldn't go on like this and I would listen to cds at night to get to sleep and count backward from 100 and try and breathe calmly and deeply, after a few nights this really helped for me.  I would keep myself occupied throughout the day.  I was determined to stick to my normal routine and not let the tinntitus stop me from doing anything I would normally do.  It is very hard to believe but you do actually "get used" to it and the stress from it in my case did subside.  I also noticed that there were times when it didn't seem as bad or I didn't notice it as much, this also give me hope.  Then I noticed that in the mornings it was much quieter.  There would be times throughout the day or a few days when it would be much louder, then it would quieten down to a moderate level again.  I spoke to many people about my tinnitus and I was shocked to learn how many people had it!  My dad actually had it, but it was so mild it had never bothered him and he hadn't even mentioned it before.  A close colleague had it and an old boyf's dad, plus friends who spoke to their friends were all able to recount different people who either currently had it, or had it in the past.  A lot of the people I spoke to who had it noticed it had gone away.  This give me great hope also. 

Thankfully after three weeks of it being quite loud, and then periods when it would increase and decrease in intensity, and after "getting used" to it, I can now report that after three months I barely notice it and I actually think it has mostly gone away.  I know everyone is different and will have different experiences of it, but I just wanted to share my story and that it CAN go away.  I also wanted to share some tips I picked up along the way:

1. Try and not constantly listen out for it.  I know I did this at the start.  Then I learned to accept that whether the current noise was in my head or external, there was nothing I could do about it, and to stop checking if the noise was external or in my head, to just breathe deep and try and let it go.  This took a while, but I got there. 

2. Try and distract yourself.  Try and not think about it, I know this seems impossible at the start, but it does get easier.  Go for walk, clean, chat to friends, watch a t.v. programme you enjoy.  Try and keep distracted.  This does get easier with time also.  Keep doing the things you used to enjoy until you start to enjoy them again (you will get there!). 

3. I looked up about tinnitus so much online and it's fantastic for people to have forums and places to go to for information and advice. However I personally felt more scared from the stories I read, and I vowed that if mine ever did go away I would make sure to come back and leave a positive story.  Try and not research too much if a lot of what you read scares you (my own personal experience). 

4.  Know that you are not alone.  Apparently one in ten people get tinnitus at some point in their lives.  A lot of famous people such as Neve Campbell, Chris Martin (Coldplay), Will I Am and many more have it, and have successful lives and careers.  They haven't let it beat them, you won't either!! 

Just take it one day at a time.  You will get used to it, and it won't seem as terrifying as it does at the start.  And there is always the hope that it will go away.  I know it has mostly for me.  80% of the day I don't notice it.  Please be strong, you can and you will get through this.  Good luck to everyone who has it, please stay strong xx



#2 15-08-2013 23:06:51

Registered: 03-04-2013
Posts: 61

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hello Tina,

Your story is very interesting.
But I got a few questions:

- how old are you?
- have you ever seen a doctor for tinnitus?
- have you got hearing loss?
- how noisy is your tinnitus now and how does it sounds like?

And thanks for your advices smile



#3 16-08-2013 10:42:00

Registered: 15-08-2013
Posts: 6

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Elbarto

I'm 36 years old, have never had tinnitus in my life before until this year.  I've never had hearing loss or hearing problems before and my general hearing hasn't been affected by the tinnitus. 

I phoned my doctor, who told me it had maybe came from the flu and it would probably go away.  I didn't go to see him as I don't believe there is a "cure", however I would urge anyone who is concerned to speak to and visit their doctor. 

At the moment my tinnitus is 95% quiet in the morning, when I'm pottering about getting ready for work I don't notice it at all, I don't notice it when I'm driving or when i'm outside in open spaces.  At night when I'm in my flat alone I can hear it and when I'm going to sleep I can hear it.  However, it doesn't scare me now like it did at the start and it is very mild now. 

As for what it sounds like, on the right side it's like a high pitched constant ring, however it is very low now.  On the left side sometimes I get a hum, again it is very low now (compared to the first three weeks when it was at it's worst).  I would say that 80% of my day I'm not aware of the tinnitus now, whereas at the start I found it hard to get distracted from it for even a second, I was constantly aware of it and anxious by it.

I never got any help for it, I just tried my best to stay positive (which was very difficult in the first few weeks).  I also bought ear plugs for noisy places, such as the cinema.  I had to go to a friend's hen do recently and I was nervous about the tinnitus increasing, with my ear plugs in my ears were protected and thankfully there was no negative effect.  I'll probably never go to a concert or loud performance again.  Although mine wasn't caused by loud noise (as far as I'm aware), I wouldn't take any chances or risks with my ears now. 

I know I said in my original post that everyone is different and everyone's experience will be different, this is just my own personal story with it.



#4 03-11-2013 15:10:21

Registered: 31-10-2013
Posts: 2

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hello Tina,

How is your T? Been about two months since we heard from you.

Hope it is going well for you.




#5 05-11-2013 13:40:51

Registered: 15-08-2013
Posts: 6

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Jeff, all is really good with me I'm happy to report.  When it's quiet, or I'm in bed, or I listen out for it, I can still hear the tinnitus, but it genuinely doesn't bother me now, I'm so used to it and it is so much quieter than it was at the beginning when I suffered badly with it.  The brain is a remarkable tool and it's like with a ticking clock, unless you listen out for it, the majority of the time you don't register it.  That is what the tinnitus is like for me.



#6 09-11-2013 13:02:05

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Tina

I have to cry when i'm reading this. It's so much like my situation right now.

I'm 35 and i had a bad year: sleep problems, problems with my back, panic attacks, multiple flu's. The last 3 month were better and i've thought i'm over it. Until now. Two weeks ago a got a bad cold and other stress factors were a little bit higher than usual. Then a week ago it started suddenly.

A week ago i've woken up at night, the first thing i've noticed was this high frequent pieping in my right ear. I was awake for the rest of the night. First i've searched for the source of the noise. But i had to realize it seems to be inside my head. The following days the noise was always there and is especially a problem at night. Within these few days the panic and anxiety level was rising pretty fast. Days are better than night but difficult too because of the lack of sleep and energy because of all of this.

Anxiety that this will not go away, anxiety about what it mean for the future. Possibly now to handle the rest of my life with such a thing. My doctor gave me some sleeping pills which i've already know from the past. But even with them the night is a horror. So far i've only talked to him py phone. I will talk to him next tuesday directly. I hope he will quickly transfer me to a specialized ear doctor.

Surely i've also surfed it the internet about all the possiblity what it could be and how it may develop. I'm scared as hell.

I try to relax but it's so hard to achieve. This is so hard to battle. The panic attackes which i've had in the past were somehow easier to battle because there are specific methods to counter them. But this noise problem. I fell so lost.



#7 09-11-2013 18:41:50

Registered: 28-08-2007
Posts: 1630

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi tomson,

Welcome to the forum.

Your panic and anxiety are understandable (give that this is a completely new and annoying experience), but you have to try to get over it, as it will make matters only much worse (since tinnitus is closely linked to the state of your nervous system).
In 99% of all cases there is no serious health issue associated with the tinnitus, so you are not in mortal danger in any way. 

As I said, tinnitus is a nervous condition that will eventually settle down again to less annoying levels, if not disappear altogether. It takes time though, and for the next few weeks and months you shouldn't necessarily expect an improvement. Nervous condition are notoriously long term, so don't be discouraged if any measures have little effect right now.




#8 09-11-2013 18:55:38

Registered: 15-08-2013
Posts: 6

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Tomson

You sound exactly where I was at.  It's like reading about myself, I can relate to so much. 

I had such a hard time at the start, walking the floors at night, so stressed, worried I'd have the condition forever, not sure how I'd cope etc. Apparently tinnitus can be quite common after colds and flu's (I read this online and my doctor said the same), he said it should probably go away, a nurse told me the same.  And as Thomas above says, it can be related to stress also, or stress can make it seem temporarily worse. 

I know I can only talk about me personally, but if it gives you any hope, then mine is so much better!!!  Three weeks it was awful, then I'd realise I wouldn't notice it so much at times, such as in work with the radio on, or when I was driving, or at other times, this gave me hope and the tinnitus lessened and lessened.  As I type this to you now, I genuinely can't even hear it!!!  And I was exactly where you were. 

Keep the faith my dear, if mine can get better (and I'm a big worrywart) then yours can get better too. 

Listen to cds at night, and count backwards from 300, do nice breathing exercises, you'll find what helps you, and hang in there.  I've got over mine, you can too, if it can go away for me, then it can for you too.

Keep me posted on your progress.  If you want to contact me outside the site, my email is (removed by Administrator;  please use the email function after clicking the name at the top left of the post)

Will say a wee prayer for you, stay strong and speak soon xx



#9 09-11-2013 21:28:28

Registered: 09-11-2013
Posts: 46

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Thomas, Hi Tina

Thomas; i've read some of your content/advices and i appreciate it very much. Actually i'm the perfect candidate for all of this if i a look at my past 10 months prior to the start of the noise. As you know panic attacks are also coming from the "Vegetativen Nervensystem" (i'm german speaking, but found the english forum first) so it looks like i've entered the next...level of nervous problems. I dont  fear that the noise is a direct dangerous health issue. But i'm fearing the indirect issues  coming with it --- mainly because of the sleeping problem (job performance, future etc.). During the day i'm able (so far) to control it. Certainly i'm hoping that you are wrong about the time it will take, but "i dont like it but i guess things happen that way".

Tina; yes i was reading your posting and it was like looking in a mirror. At night i'm currently trying different things. Relax Music didn't work for me. I've tried this also a few months ago when i've had panic attacks at night. I'm trying to focus on my breath somehow, hear my noise until i fall asleep. The problem is that i'm waking up about the noise after 1,2 hours. The last nights i've took sleeping pills, But they didnt help that much. I think i will try tonight your advice about counting backwards from 300. About being a "worrywart": You are describing me again.

Thank your for your prayer, i will pray for you too. I've started to pray only 4 months ago for the first time in my life, since then i'm going down to my knees every night. I'm also practicing Jacobson Muscle Relaxation for several months. And i go reguarly out to nature for a walk or for jogging. I've done a lot for me and my health in the last months. Unfortunatly it didnt protect me from the start of this noise. I'm currently listening to a youtube video named "Tinnitus sound therapy 6 Hours"...it's just shower noise but it helps a little bit. I go now for a walk, will then pray on my knees and lay myself down on the bed...and counting sheep..

Take care

Last edited by tomson (09-11-2013 21:29:39)



#10 20-11-2013 14:46:37

Registered: 15-08-2013
Posts: 6

Re: My tinnitus got better

Hi Tomson
I've been thinking about you and wondering how you are getting on? 



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